Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun Control

People can not get over the fact that if we take guns away from people, these shootings would not happen in our country.  Hey dumbass's, they STILL would happen.  Just like drugs, if people want it, they will get it.  Oh, and remember a guy named Timothy McVeigh?  Ya he killed 19 people under the age 6 years old without a gun.  He killed them with ordinary household items. 

So my point is, get over the freakin gun idea.  Look somewhere else.  Maybe, just maybe, we should place an armed police/homeland security officer in every public school.  Cost to the country?  $3.9 billion dollars.  That is with the officer having an average salary of $35,000 with benefits.  Trust me, the Homeland Security Agency can afford this.  Let's not forget the fact they bought 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition.  That's alot of ammo!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Republicans and social stances

I recently spoke with a person that supports President Obama and the Democratic party.  I asked what he didn't like about Romney and the Republican party.  He told me that he did not agree with many of the social stances of the Republican party and the "richy-rich" mind set of Romney.

My question is why should the Government even be concerned about some social issues in this country?  What this comes down to, again, is Government staying out of our lifes.  There, social issue is fixed.  Those individuals that deserve and need Government assistance, please contact your local Government agency.  Oh, and you will be subject to drug screens and back ground checks.  We do not want to give Government assistance to drug users or criminals. 

My President needs to look at a few key issues.  Foriegn Policy, National Defense, and our economy.  That's it.  3 keys areas and nothing more.  Abortion?  Negative, more important issues to deal with.  Gay marriage?  If you ask me, who freakin cares.  If two fags want to get married, so be it.  But....if a certain church refuses to marry them, then that's their choice!  It is all about individual rights.  You two fags want to marry, we should not care.  A church refuses to marry two fags?  Same answer. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Notre Dame vs. Alabama

So the "College Football Gods" have all agreed to have the very best teams in the country to play for the National Championship.  What I find interesting about this is that the Alabama fans have already started to talk shit. 

Look, we as Notre Dame fans are just damn happy to be here and have the opportunity to play for a National Championship.  We have been suffering for too long lately.  Ya Alabama, if you come in and whip the shit out of us it will hurt.  But trust me, to just be in this game is a victory for our program. 

So talk all the shit you want and we will just smile.  We can also say we are undefeated and your not, but that doesn't matter to you because you will say "if you had to play our schedule...".  Your right, we should have replaced Stanford for Westren Carolina. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Today is the Day...

Today we will see if Notre Dame is in the National Championship Game or not.  To me, I am still in a phase of amazement.  At the beginning of the season, I predicted a 8-4 season.  Not one part of me even thought of National Championship. 

Consider this.  At the beginning of the season USC was ranked #1.  Michigan State and Oklahoma was ranked in the Top Ten.  Michigan was ranked in the top 15.  Notre Dame was not even ranked.  AT ALL!  Amazing...simply amazing.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Indiana University and Notre Dame

This to me is absolutely amazing.  I can not remember the last time that I have ever witnessed this in my lifetime (and it was actually 1993, my graduation year).  Is this a sign of the apocalypse?  We will see.  But for now folks, this is like heaven!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Notre Dame #1

Yep thats right.  See it, believe it and eat it.  Too all SEC fans, you can eat the peanuts out of my sheeaat!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Football and Concussions

Something has got to give with these concussions in the NFL.  How in the world is it that we have developed some of the most technological equipment known to man but we can not come up with a football helmet that will either limit or prevent concussions. 

NASCAR has made leaps and bounds since the passing of Earnhardt Sr. but football has not made any progress within the last few years.  Something needs to be done.